If it is the night to exfoliate but you are thinking you are in a hurry and don’t have time tonight, then think about what you are depriving yourself of.

Don’t miss out on the benefits that exfoliation night can bring:

Rid yourself of the dry flaky skin cells.

Push away the cells that are spent and ready to go to make way for new cells to shine. As we age our new cells take a little longer to develop and come through so give them all the help they can get.

Removing the excess hardened dry skin allows new cells to surface and not be so flat after pushing up from the bottom layer of the epidermis. Let them glow.

Unclog those pores and let the build-up out. This especially applies for skin traumatised by breakouts and acne to help shift troublesome blackheads.

Let your skin be prepared and open to absorbing your moisturisers and serums. The cleaner your skin the better your skincare products can reach the right levels to do their best work.

The two types of exfoliation – Chemical Exfoliation or Physical Esfoliation

1. Chemical uses products containing acidic ingredients which act to slough off the outer skin layer. Chemical peels come in a various strengths and grades from suitable to use at home through to doctor prescribed and applied only.

Be sure not to confuse the grade you choose to use at home or the consequences could be both devastating and permanent.

At home peels should be no more invasive than a basic fruit acid based peel.

2. Physical exfoliation is the use of cream or gel style cleansers that include abrasive agents which may be either synthetic or natural.

Our Skinbience Facial Exfoliant naturally use a natural plant option of powdered walnut shell preventing the use of synthetics which are harmful to our environment. Walnut shell is a natural by product of food and it makes good sense to choose a viable natural, and skin safe alternative to over products that require energy and resources to be man-made.

When using physical exfoliants on the face neck and décolletage, ensure the abrasive particles are spherical to reduce the risk of sharp edges which can tear and damage skin and thereby accelerate the rate of looking aged.

Exfoliation is meant to be a gentle thorough effort rather than an excitable scrubbing. The process should only be a deep cleanse designed to cleanse and release spent cells. When overly rubbing at our skin we can unwittingly prematurely expose underdeveloped cells which can lead to causing the skin to become irritated, dry or reddened.

Two to three nights a week is the plan for your exfoliating. Make a beauty “note to self” to do Sunday Wednesday and Friday.

Sunday makes you Fresh for the week, Wednesday keeps your freshness and Friday reboots your glow for the weekend.

We agree lets be Cruelty-free!

We simply won’t stand for the testing of any Skinbience products on animals. Animals don’t need beauty – they are already enviably beautiful!

Whilst skincare products are not just about the vanity aspect and are indeed valid for actually caring for your skin, we don’t agree that many brands of skincare and cosmetics still use outdated and cruel testing on animals to be proven safe for human use.

It is SIMPLE Just say NO to animal testing. WE DO!

We believe this practice needs to stop ASAP.

Overwhelmingly, YES! According to Humane Research Australia, the majority of Australians (85%) oppose animal testing on cosmetics, and support banning the sale of newly animal-tested cosmetics (81%).

Be Cruelty-Free Australia calls to ban on new animal testing for cosmetic products or their ingredients in Australia as well as a total ban on the sale of cosmetics newly tested on animals or which contain ingredients newly animal-tested.

Help make Australia to be the next country to support cruelty-free beauty. Click here to lodge a request for Australian Government to Ban Cosmetics Animal Testing.