Lovely Skin and Beauty

Beauty Salon

1/868 Old Cleveland Rd Carina, QLD, 4152

Professional beauty services, with the loveliest customer service. Lovely Skin & Beauty offers a wide range of beauty therapies and treatments to suit your skin. From classic facials and waxing through to state of the art LED and IPL technology, our therapists will help you find the solutions that work best for your skin.

Shopping With: Lovely Skin and Beauty

Did you know, Lovely Skin and Beauty has FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $99?

Cleansers & Toners
Masks & Serums

Cleansers & Toners

The perfect way to start off your morning and evening regime. Ensure your skin is cleansed thoroughly to readily absorb nutrients from your serums and moisturisers.

Masks & Serums

Essential active-ingredients to achieve visible results. Optimising the delivery of nutrition to alleviate the signs of ageing and skin damage.


The perfect selection of moisturisers for all skin types, to maintain essential hydration and optimum skin-barrier function.


Provide your body with the same level of care that you would your face – Skinbience’s body range ensures nourishment and hydration from head to toe.

Your Skincare Regime, Simplified

Not sure where or how to start your skincare journey?
See our everyday Day and Night skincare regimes below for a fantastic place to start.

Day Regime
Night Regime

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